Food Freedom - Brave Conversations With Barbie


"It's just happy married weight", "You're just getting older." after gaining 22 pounds in a couple of years, I wanted to know why. After 2 doctors told me there was nothing wrong with me, a client of mine changed my life telling me about Hashimotos, an auto-immune hypothyroid disease. This weeks conversation is about my personal journey to freedom. I learned how to eliminate my brain fog, depression, and finally lose the weight. I am not an expert and I am not selling a product, I just pray that I might be able to inspire someone else with my journey.

I hope that you will watch this video, share it with your friends, and subscribe to this channel. Most importantly I hope that you will join the conversation! I met so many women that have struggled with similar symptoms, you are not alone. Ask questions and share you're story.

Please leave a comment below and share your hopes, dreams, and brave decisions you will be making.

We still have space left for my live event on Sept 30th! Click HERE to join us at The Well.

If you would like more information on Freedom Coaching I would love to do a free call with you! Click below for more information. 


Who are you Today? - Brave Conversations with Barbie


Are You Thirsty?