Oh My Kids Need To Hear That - Brave Conversations With Barbie


Whenever I share mine and Richards story of dating and purity, the response it often, Oh my kids need to hear that. If you are divorced or single, this is also for you. Scripture is clear, that God created sex to be enjoyed within the marriage bed, period. He did not say until a certain age, unless you have been married before, or as long as it's your first time. It is never too late to do things Gods way and receive Gods best for your life. This time of year can be a fun time with family and friends, but it can also be a lonely time for many. I want to encourage you to stay focused on God and all that He has for you. 


"Do not mistake sex for love, and don't believe you have to have sex to receive love" @spabarbie

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Do Not Mistake Sex for Love - Brave Conversations with Barbie


Are We Sexually Compatible? - Brave Conversations with Barbie