
Happy May!

May has always been one of my favorite months. It is when the weather finally turns warm, we get a little vit D, and the flowers are blooming. In my family, it also means birthdays and lots of them. Oh, and it’s MY birthday month!

This year is a big one, I will be 50 May 6th. I did not know this would affect me the way that it has. I have been saying, “it’s going to happen anyway, I might as well celebrate it.” But the closer it gets the more thoughts come to my mind; “Am I where I wanted to be, am I the size I wanted to be, or as happy as I would like to be?”

A few years ago, I decided to change careers and become a Life Coach. This was something I had wanted to do for about 3 years. I was once asked, “why would you want to change careers at this stage of your life?” My response was, ‘I will be 50 in 3 years, and by then I could have a successful coaching practice.” Look what The Lord has done! I am living the life that I feel like God created me for, and doing it with the man of my dreams.

I am amazed what God has done with the Right Combination! I have coached women from around the country, created Freedom Intensives for individuals and groups, signed a book deal with Kregel publishing, started my YouTube Channel (Brave Conversations with Barbie), and held the fist “The Brave Gathering”. God is so good!

The other day someone told me that 50 means Jubilee. Biblically this is a year of restoration. Yes! God is in the business of restoring lives. If you had asked me years ago if I could ever imagine that God would restore the things in my life to where I am today, I am not sure I could have seen it. I thought it was too late for me. But God…

My prayer is always that you will be inspired that it is not too late for you either! God has an amazing plan for you! What are you dreaming for? I want to encourage you to have the courage to step into it.

"Be strong and courageous, and do the work"

1 chronicles 28:20

It will take stepping out and doing the work, but it is so worth it! You got this! Put your Brave on!


Dating after Divorce - Brave Conversations with Barbie


What's Your Dream?