Waiting is not Passive

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“Until the time came to fulfill his dreams, The Lord tested Josephs character.” Psalm 105:19 NLT

Wow! When I read these words this morning they really hit home. This time of year, many of us are setting goals, making vision boards, and dreaming of what this new year will bring. We are full of hope and expectancy. Maybe you have even posted Jeramiah 29:11 on your bathroom mirror. These are all amazing things! I am doing them myself! This is the “fun” part.

 But then…we wait.

I started back to the gym this week after a 5-month hiatus. I was actually looking forward to getting up at 5am and working out. It felt great! Day 2 still felt good. Today was day 3 and I am getting sore! It was a lot harder and not as fun.  This is what happens with our dreams and goals; after a time, it gets hard. We courageously step out and get started, but staying committed is another story.

While we are waiting for God to bring our dream to pass, we are being tested. Do we even have what it takes to fulfill our vision? The answer is yes! If God has called you to something, He will equip you with what you need to accomplish it, but it may take some time. It is about the journey. God cares less about the destination and more about Who we become along the way.

Waiting is not passive. If your read Jeramiah 29 1-13 you will see that the Israelites were in a season of waiting. God said that He had a plan for them, but they were not supposed to just sit and wait, God told them to “prosper where they are.” They were also told to “Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce.  Marry and have sons and daughters” This was not a time to be passive, this was a time of preparation.

God wants the same for us. When we are praying for our dreams and goals God is preparing us and “testing our character”. Don’t give up! When you don’t feel like you are seeing the results you want, keep going, your harvest is coming!

The same is true for you! Don’t quit and don’t settle. You might be waiting for the spouse God has for you, a fabulous career, or waiting for a break in your online business. Keep going! Let God mold you into who He created you to be. Discover how to be your most authentic and purposeful self. Allow God to “test your character” and stay committed in faith. Do what you can do and watch God do what only He can do.
It is always who we are becoming in the process


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