Lessons Learned...

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This week my husband turned Fifty. In honor of this milestone I wanted to share some things I have learned from him and through our relationship.

Patience: I had to start with this one. We dated 4 years! Now that is patience. It was not always easy, but in hind sight it was so worth it! I am so grateful for Gods perfect timing. It takes time to build a solid foundation. I think all too often we quit right before the breakthrough.Enjoy the process: Where typically men might be goal oriented, Richard has always reminded me to slow down and appreciate what God is showing us today. He shared a story with me about a time he and a buddy were taking a bus ride to a casino on an Indian reservation. He said after driving for some time they went right past the casino. They started asking why they passed it up and where they were headed. They were told that this bus was going to a Pow Wow. A Pow Wow? They had no idea what to expect. When they arrived they got to see a traditional Indian Pow Wow with traditional dress and dance. I loved his attitude in that they could have been upset when they passed their destination, but instead they went along for the journey and got a “bonus” in their trip. It is amazing what you miss when you become too focused on the destination. God also often uses this time in between to prepare us for what He has prepared for us.Laugh: Richard loves to laugh! He laughs loud and he laughs often! Laughter really is the best medicine. He has taught me to enjoy everyday and to be adventurous. In my past we did not have a lot of that, so today nothing makes me happier than the sound of laughter in our home.Focus on God: This is by far the most important thing I have learned. This is a principle I knew but I love watching him live it out. He is a spiritual leader in our home. We pray over our decisions in faith that we already know God has it worked out and that He has His very best for us. I watched Richard in church on Sunday when he noticed a couple in front of us that the wife is suffering from cancer. He lowered his head and prayed over them right then, not because anyone was looking but because his heart breaks for what breaks Gods.I am a blessed woman to have Richards’s example for myself and my kids, but this really isn't about him. This is God’s story. God has His very best for each of us. When we follow Him we will be blessed and people will see Jesus in us. He gives us the Holy Spirit to be able to live out the things that I am learning. We can accomplish through Him what we could never do by our own strength.

“But the Fruit of The Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Forbearance, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control.” Gal 5:22-23



First Day of School


I want it now…