First Day of School


Today I have loved seeing my Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram full of pictures of children headed out for the first day of school. I have to admit that my 14 and 18 year old boys were not exactly posing on the way out the door, but my beautiful stepdaughter did snap a pic before the first day of class at college. As I was scrolling through, the picture above caught my attention. "Do Epic Stuff"! I love it! This is certainly my prayer for all my kids. I pray that they will each follow their passion and become all that God has made them to be.

I began to wonder, as I looked at this fantastic shot of a boy in his cape, when do we stop shooting for Epic? Is there a certain age or a point in our lives that we decide that this is it, this is all God has for me? A time where we stop dreaming and become content with the status quo. Now I am not saying that there is anything wrong with being happy where you are and grateful for the blessings you have already received, I am saying, what if there is more? You are never too young and never too old to be used by God. We only need to be available and obedient. It might be something like climbing Mt Everest, starting your own business, or moving to a new city. For some of us it is as easy as calling a friend for a cup of coffee when they might just need an ear to listen. You never know how an act of obedience or a step of faith might change your life or the life of someone else. I say Dream Big and step out in Faith. God still has something Epic designed for you!

"The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come that you may have life and have it to the Full" John 10:10


All You need is Love


Lessons Learned...