I'll have what he's having..
Yesterday I kidnapped my husband after church and took him to Klyde Warren Park in Dallas for a picnic. It was gorgeous weather in Texas for November, so we had to get out. Of course, I knew the Dallas Cowboys did not play until 7pm, so I thought “I have some time, let’s seize the moment.” A picnic in the park made perfect since because I love spending time outside with great company and amazing people watching. We had a fabulous afternoon! The park was full of families, couples, and plenty of dogs.
Richard and I have been married for 3 years now and one of the things we have learned is the importance of dating your mate and putting them first. Even though we are both working from home and see each other all the time, there is something about getting away by yourselves without the distractions to make you feel closer. I enjoy trying things he likes to do, I have watched the occasional UFC fight, but I also love that he is open to going places and doing things that I enjoy as well. Even when it is just driving around, top down, in my VW Bug.
This all might sound so simple, but I spent most of my life trying to please everyone else. I was never concerned with what I liked or enjoyed as long as I was keeping everyone else happy. When I got divorced almost ten years ago, I had a bit of an identity crisis. I was not sure who I was anymore. I was now a single mom and responsible for making all of the decisions. I had a counselor say to me, “You don’t make any decisions do you?” “I bet you don’t even decide what’s for lunch.” Sad thing is that she was right. I thought I was being nice letting others choose but it turns out I was really avoiding responsibility. This began a process for me of finding out who I was and what I wanted. I realized I often went places and did things that I might not really want to do because I did not want to be left out or because I did not want the other person to be upset.
There are many emotions after divorce, there are things we need to work through, and you have to mourn the loss of the life you once had. A counselor can be a big help in walking you through this process. There will come a day when it is time to move forward. You can have expectancy for what God has in store for your new life. You can rediscover the person you used to be and what you enjoyed doing. It might also be a time to discover who you are in Christ, what your purpose is, and what makes your heart sing.
God has given you amazing gifts and talents. This can be an exciting time of turning to God and allowing Him to show you what He has for you. It is not too late to be all that God created you to be.
If you would like to have someone to come along side of you on your journey, to encourage you, to help you with your vision, and hold you accountable where needed, I would love to visit with you.
Click here to request a complimentary call to discover where you are now, where you want to go, and if coaching might be a fit for you.
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