I'm Doing This - Brave Conversations with Barbie
I'm going in! Richard and I are so excited to announce that we have signed a
book contract with Kregel publishing! We are so grateful for all the love and
support we have received. This can be a long process, so I want to take you on
the journey with us. As I am writing I am revisiting my journals. I have been
going back through so that I can recollect not only what happened but how I
was feeling in the moment. I am going to share some of this with you. I hope
that you will join me as I put my Brave on!
Friends, I hope you will join me on this journey! If I can be vulnerable, I know you
can too! Let’s Put our Brave on together. You were made for more!
If you would like to visit one on one, I would love to do a free call with you. I love
to hear what it’s going on in your life.