The Right Combination: Promo


God is a God of order. What do you think when you hear that? Do you get excited or does it make you a little frustrated? I know for me it sounds like a lot of waiting that I don’t want to do. Bu it is true, Gods timing is perfect.

The last few years God has had us on quite a journey! okay, let’s be honest, it has been ten years. Who knew, when Richard and I went on our first date, the adventure that God had for us.

In this video you see the result of many years of sowing, sacrifice, joy, and a few tears. Through these years we grew as a blended family, I started my career as a freedom life coach, we began speaking, wrote a book, and launched The Brave Gathering event for women. What you mainly see is Gods goodness. God is a God of order, He is also a God of Grace, Forgiveness, Love, and His word.

My prayer is that you will be inspired and encouraged that with God, Nothing is impossible for you!

If you would like for information, or to see if coaching might be a fit for you, I would love to do a free call with you! Use the link below to schedule a free call!


To Protect and to Serve


The Harvest is Here!