Hello from the other side

It is hard to believe that it is 2016 already! This past year went by so fast and so much happened. The word that I would say best describes 2015 would be preparation. I spent the majority of last year taking classes, doing research, building a website, writing content, and praying. It seems like I am always asking God “What is next?”, “How much longer?”, and “Are we there yet?”

Sometimes we can become so focused on the future that we can miss the miracles in the present. This past year felt like a “wilderness year” for my family and me. It would be really easy to focus on what did not happen or the money that we did not make. I could share with you how hard it was and all of the sacrifices that we made. However, if I did that you would miss seeing Gods Glory.

Now that we are on the other side of 2015, before I sat down and looked at goals for the year, I took a moment to look back at what God has done. The past year started with me losing my job. If this had not happened, I would not have taken the faith step to pursue life coaching and also Co-found The Right Combination. God placed Life Coaching on my heart for the first time five years ago. I still would not have not been able to begin classes had it not been for a dear friend “sowing a seed” into my business and helping with the tuition. I have so many stories or friends and strangers being used by God in my life.

On paper, our finances did not add up. It would make us so nervous to continue to write a check and pay our tithe not knowing how everything else would be paid. God showed us that as we continued to be obedient that he would make up the difference. I have always said to my husband  “God can just send a check in the mail if He wants to.” This proved to be true over the last couple of months, as anonymous cards with money have continued to come in the mail like Manna to the Israelites. We have been overwhelmed by Gods love and provision.

Why do I share this? Because I pray that it strengthens your faith and brings you hope. When we put our trust in God and walk in faith, even when it does not make sense, He can truly do exceedingly more than we could ever imagine.

I plan to go into this year armed with the lessons and the wisdom that God has given me. God does not waste anything, He sends us prepared. I am praying, for you and for me, that the preparation that God has given us will lead us to the abundant life He has promised us. Happy 2016! 

"I have come that you may have life and have it abundantly." John 10:10


What is my purpose?


Drop the Blanket (Guest Post Dawson 15)